PAC Email - January 14, 2019 - Family Meeting Info, etc.

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Here's what's happening at school

Stay up to date via the TWAAG, emails, Facebook, and the PAC website  (pass: sp508)
School Website
PAC Website
Check out the new PAC website! It's a place to find everything you need IN ONE PLACE! Have any suggestions for the site, please let us know (email Chair). Password for protected areas: sp508.
The PAC meeting and social was held on January 9th. Please find attached meeting minutes. They can also be found on our website on the "PAC Board" section. 

Our next meeting is the General Meeting on February 6, 2019. 
Mark your calendars! Family meetings are being held over the next two weeks! 

Div 1 - Jan 16 - 6:00-7:30
Div 2 - Jan 16 - 6:00-7:30
Div 3 - Jan 23 - 6-7:30
Div 4 - Jan 23 - 6-7:30
Div 5 - Jan 15 - 6-7:30
Div 6 - Jan 24 - 6:00-7:30
Div 7 - Jan 15 - 6:30-8
Div 8 - Jan 17  - 6-7:30
Div 9 - Jan 24 - 6-7:30
Div 10 - Jan 17 - 6-7:30
Reminder: It's a PRO-D day on Monday January 21st. OSC is open. 
The PAC is hosting a movie night on the 25th. Come join us to build community and celebrate Family Literacy Day! 

The movie is still to be determined, but will be based on a book. 

Please bring some stuff to make yourself cozy and enjoy some light food and refreshments for a donation only. 
The school is celebrating Family Literacy Day on January 25th. Please feel free to have your child dress up as a character from a book. It's so much fun and the kids are encouraged to bring the book along with them too!

Get ideas for costumes HERE.
Reminder that Bobby and Mark host board game afternoons on the 1st and 3rd Friday of every month. The first Friday is for K-2 and the 3rd is for grades 3-5.  Check out the website for more info!

January 18th:  Grades 3-5
Auction is coming! It's never too early to start collecting donations. 

Auction will be Friday May 31st this year, so mark your calendars! More info to come as we get closer. Learn More. 
Would you be interested in being the Chair for our PAC Safety committee?  

This committee works on various projects related to safety, transportation, and emergency preparedness in and around the school. 

Want to learn more or ask questions? Check out the website!
Jan 15-17th - Family Meetings 
Jan 23-24th - Family meetings
Jan 21st - Pro-D, school closed, OSC open
Jan 25th - Family Literacy Day
Jan 28th - Sharing/Birthday assembly
Jan 29th - Gr. 5 info night
Jan 30th - PIZZA DAY!
Haven't subscribed to the Google Calendar yet? Do it so you can stay up to date on the school events! We even have Pizza Day reminders set!
Are you on Facebook? Have you joined the SOUTH PARK FAMILIES group? Do you know we also have private groups for each division? Look for your link in the announcements section at the top of the Facebook page! Go Now!

Not on Facebook? Don't worry - all info will also come via email. 
Want to pitch in for an event/committee at the school? Check out our website for volunteer opportunities!
PAC Website
School Website
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PAC Email January 5, 2019 - Happy New Year and Welcome Back!

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Here's what's happening at school

Stay up to date via the TWAAG, emails, Facebook, and the PAC website  (pass: sp508)
School Website
PAC Website
Check out the new PAC website! It's a place to find everything you need IN ONE PLACE! Have any suggestions for the site, please let us know (email Chair). Password for protected areas: sp508.

The school district is asking for our input on the 2019-2020 budget. If you'd like to share your voice, please send the answers to the following questions to by January 6th and we will send it off to the district before the deadline. 

1. What areas should be given priority in order to support success for all students?
2. What areas do you feel progress is being made and should be continued?
3. How do you feel the budget process could be improved for greater public participation and ease of understanding?
4. Do you have any general comments you would like to add?

Past budget info:

The PAC will be holding its annual social on Wednesday January 9, 2019. It will be held at 6:30 p.m. @ Bartholomew's Pub at 777 Douglas Street. 

The social will be preceded by a very short PAC meeting to set the agenda for the February GM. Please RSVP to PAC Chair, Jenn Sutton at to ensure enough space. 
Kindergarten registration is happening January 7-11, 2019. You must get your registrations in by 3 p.m on Friday January 11th! 

See the website for more details on what you need for registration!
Mark your calendars! Family meetings start January 15th. Please check with your teacher and/or Class Coordinator to confirm times.
Reminder that Bobby and Mark host board game afternoons on the 1st and 3rd Friday of every month. The first Friday is for K-2 and the 3rd is for grades 3-5.  Check out the website for more info!

January 18th:  Grades 3-5
Would you be interested in being the Chair for our PAC Safety committee?  

This committee works on various projects related to safety, transportation, and emergency preparedness in and around the school. 

Want to learn more or ask questions? Check out the website!
Jan 7th - School re-opens
Jan 7-11th - Kindergarten registration
Jan 15-17 & 23-24th - Family meetings
Jan 21st - Pro-D, school closed, OSC open
Jan 25th - Family Literacy Day
Jan 28th - Sharing/Birthday assembly
Jan 29th - Gr. 5 info night
Jan 30th - PIZZA DAY!
Haven't subscribed to the Google Calendar yet? Do it so you can stay up to date on the school events! We even have Pizza Day reminders set!
Are you on Facebook? Have you joined the SOUTH PARK FAMILIES group? Do you know we also have private groups for each division? Look for your link in the announcements section at the top of the Facebook page! Go Now!

Not on Facebook? Don't worry - all info will also come via email. 
Want to pitch in for an event/committee at the school? Check out our website for volunteer opportunities!
PAC Website
School Website
Copyright © *|CURRENT_YEAR|* *|LIST:COMPANY|*, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

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PAC Email December 6, 2018 - Fun Friday and other PAC info!

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Here's what's happening at school

Stay up to date via the TWAAG, emails, Facebook, and the PAC website  (pass: sp508)
School Website
PAC Website
Check out the new PAC website! It's a place to find everything you need IN ONE PLACE! Have any suggestions for the site, please let us know (email Chair). Password for protected areas: sp508.
Emporium is TOMORROW!

Please remember to send your children with bags to bring home their hand picked gifts!

We could also use some help packing up the leftover donations, cleaning up, and taking any left over donations away/clean up the PAC room. Your help makes these events possible.
Did you order any poinsettias? Come pick them up next week!

Dec 5th - 5:45-6:15pm and 8:00-8:15pm (before and after PAC meeting)
Dec 6th - 8:30-9:15 am and 2:45-3:30pm
Dec 7th - 8:30-9:15 am 
Are you looking for a way to give back to others this Christmas as you also give to your child's teacher (if you feel so inclined!). Please check out this wonderful charity recommended by one of our own teachers! For more info, see website and pdf. 
Reminder that Bobby and Mark host board game afternoons on the 1st and 3rd Friday of every month. The first Friday is for K-2 and the 3rd is for grades 3-5.  Check out the website for more info!

TOMORROW, December 7th will be for ALL GRADES as the 21st will be cancelled. 
Would you be interested in being the Chair for our PAC Safety committee?  

This committee works on various projects related to safety, transportation, and emergency preparedness in and around the school. 

Want to learn more or ask questions? Check out the website!
Dec 12th - Kindergarten info night, 6:30
Dec 17th - Sharing/birthday assembly
Dec 19th - PIZZA DAY!
Dec 20th - Music assembly/performance @ 10:00am. 
Dec 21st - Report cards home. Last day before winter break
Jan 7th - School re-opens
Haven't subscribed to the Google Calendar yet? Do it so you can stay up to date on the school events! We even have Pizza Day reminders set!
Are you on Facebook? Have you joined the SOUTH PARK FAMILIES group? Do you know we also have private groups for each division? Look for your link in the announcements section at the top of the Facebook page! Go Now!

Not on Facebook? Don't worry - all info will also come via email. 
Want to pitch in for an event/committee at the school? Check out our website for volunteer opportunities!
PAC Website
School Website
Copyright © *|CURRENT_YEAR|* *|LIST:COMPANY|*, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

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PAC Email November 29, 2018 - Emporium Needs Your Help!

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Here's what's happening at school

Stay up to date via the TWAAG, emails, Facebook, and the PAC website  (pass: sp508)
School Website
PAC Website
Check out the new PAC website! It's a place to find everything you need IN ONE PLACE! Have any suggestions for the site, please let us know (email Chair). Password for protected areas: sp508.
Reminder that the SD61 survey ENDS TOMORROW, THE 30TH at 4pm. Please have your say. It is really important that we have the opportunity to give our input to the district. 

Please take a look at the website to get more info. Schools in the district are over enrolled, and as part of the review, they are trying to determine if schools of choice like South Park and Cloverdale will need to start taking neighbourhood students (see FAQ)
It's NEXT WEEK! Please have your donations in by tomorrow, the 30th so that the emporium volunteers have time to get things together for our children to enjoy! Donations are being accepted in the main hall. 

We could use some amazing volunteers to help with the sorting. Even 10 minutes at a time would be an incredible help. Please sign up online or contact Shaina directly here

We also need volunteers for the day of the event to make sure the children have a magical time!

Want to come help the students make the wrapping paper for Emporium?  We have one more paper making day lined up TOMORROW in the Annex! Please contact your CC and Shaina @ to sign up. 

Friday Nov 30th
  9:30-10:30 - Kathy, Div 1
  11:00-12:00 - Sarah, Div 10
  1:00-2:00 - Susanna, Div 3
  2:00-3:00 - Carol, Div 2
WE NEED HELP for Emporium!

Thank you to all who have brought donations in. We could use some help sorting donations into categories and packing into boxes to be brought up to the gym for the Emporium being held on Dec 7th. 

It's pretty simple to help:  it's basically sorting donations in to categories for unpacking on Emporium set up day. 

Volunteers from each division are also need to: 
1) Help set up after school on Dec 6th. 
2) Take down after school Dec 7th. 
3) Clean up PAC room week of Dec 8th and take remaining donations to appropriate locations. 
Did you order any poinsettias? Come pick them up next week!

Dec 5th - 5:45-6:15pm and 8:00-8:15pm (before and after PAC meeting)
Dec 6th - 8:30-9:15 am and 2:45-3:30pm
Dec 7th - 8:30-9:15 am 
Are you looking for a way to give back to others this Christmas as you also give to your child's teacher (if you feel so inclined!). Please check out this wonderful charity recommended by one of our own teachers! For more info, see website and pdf. 
Reminder that Bobby and Mark host board game afternoons on the 1st and 3rd Friday of every month. The first Friday is for K-2 and the 3rd is for grades 3-5.  Check out the website for more info!
Would you be interested in being the Chair for our PAC Safety committee?  

This committee works on various projects related to safety, transportation, and emergency preparedness in and around the school. 

Want to learn more or ask questions? Check out the website!
Join art club Tuesday's after school! Volunteers to lead the class the next two weeks are needed! If you can help, please contact Jeremy! 
Dec 4th - Senior choir, 11:45am@ City Hall
Dec 6th - Senior choir, 6:00pm @ Legislature 
Dec 12th - Kindergarten info night, 6:30
Dec 17th - Sharing/birthday assembly
Dec 19th - PIZZA DAY!
Dec 20th - Music assembly/performance @ 11:00am. 
Dec 21st - Report cards home. Last day before winter break
Jan 7th - School re-opens
Haven't subscribed to the Google Calendar yet? Do it so you can stay up to date on the school events! We even have Pizza Day reminders set!
Are you on Facebook? Have you joined the SOUTH PARK FAMILIES group? Do you know we also have private groups for each division? Look for your link in the announcements section at the top of the Facebook page! Go Now!

Not on Facebook? Don't worry - all info will also come via email. 
Want to pitch in for an event/committee at the school? Check out our website for volunteer opportunities!
PAC Website
School Website
Copyright © *|CURRENT_YEAR|* *|LIST:COMPANY|*, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

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PAC Email - November 22, 2018

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Here's what's happening at school

Stay up to date via the TWAAG, emails, Facebook, and the PAC website  (pass: sp508)
School Website
PAC Website
Check out the new PAC website! It's a place to find everything you need IN ONE PLACE! Have any suggestions for the site, please let us know (email Chair). Password for protected areas: sp508.
The Craft Market is THIS SUNDAY!!!! Mark your calendars and come spend some money! Please consider sharing the info with others. You can find the Facebook event link to share below. 

Volunteers are needed to make this event a success. Even a small amount of time can help. Primarily we just need help setting up/taking down the tables throughout the gym and halls. If you can help, we'd be so grateful!

Set up will be Friday the 23rd, and take down will happen at 4pm on the 25th. Please contact Jacob @ if you can help!
It's only TWO WEEKS AWAY! Please continue to bring those Emporium donations in! This magical event is so much work and your help in ensuring your donations are ready to go out, makes things so much easier! Donations are being accepted in the main hall. 

What's Emporium? Learn more

We could use some amazing volunteers to help with the sorting. Even 10 minutes at a time would be an incredible help. Please sign up online or contact Shaina directly here

We also need volunteers for the day of the event to make sure the children have a magical time!

Want to come help the students make the wrapping paper for Emporium?  Please contact your CC and Shaina @ to sign up. 

Monday Nov 26th
 9:30-10:30 - Morgan, Div 6
 11:00-12:00 - Louisa, Div 7
  2:00-3:00 - Kelly, Div 9

Wednesday Nov 28th
  11:00-12:00 - Kelsey, Div 8
  1:00-2:00 - Margot, Div 5
  2:00-3:00 - Susan, Div 4

Friday Nov 30th
  9:30-10:30 - Kathy, Div 1
  11:00-12:00 - Sarah, Div 10
  1:00-2:00 - Susanna, Div 3
  2:00-3:00 - Carol, Div 2
WE NEED HELP for Emporium!

Thank you to all who have brought donations in. We could use some help sorting donations into categories and packing into boxes to be brought up to the gym for the Emporium being held on Dec 7th. 

It's pretty simple to help:  it's basically sorting donations in to categories for unpacking on Emporium set up day. 

Please check your emails from your class coordinators for a detailed email for how the PAC room is organized right now so you know where to start. 

Volunteers from each division are also need to: 
1) Help set up after school on Dec 6th. 
2) Take down after school Dec 7th. 
3) Clean up PAC room week of Dec 8th and take remaining donations to appropriate locations. 
Are you looking for a way to give back to others this Christmas as you also give to your child's teacher (if you feel so inclined!). Please check out this wonderful charity recommended by one of our own teachers! For more info, see website and pdf. 
Reminder that Bobby and Mark host board game afternoons on the 1st and 3rd Friday of every month. The first Friday is for K-2 and the 3rd is for grades 3-5.  Check out the website for more info!
Would you be interested in being the Chair for our PAC Safety committee?  

This committee works on various projects related to safety, transportation, and emergency preparedness in and around the school. 

Want to learn more or ask questions? Check out the website!
Join art club Tuesday's after school! Interested in leading a class, contact Jeremy! 
Nov 23rd - Pro - D. No school, OSC Open. 
Nov 26th - Sharing/birthday assembly.
Nov 28th - PIZZA DAY!
Haven't subscribed to the Google Calendar yet? Do it so you can stay up to date on the school events! We even have Pizza Day reminders set!
Are you on Facebook? Have you joined the SOUTH PARK FAMILIES group? Do you know we also have private groups for each division? Look for your link in the announcements section at the top of the Facebook page! Go Now!

Not on Facebook? Don't worry - all info will also come via email. 
Want to pitch in for an event/committee at the school? Check out our website for volunteer opportunities!
PAC Website
School Website
Copyright © *|CURRENT_YEAR|* *|LIST:COMPANY|*, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

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PAC Email November 8, 2018 - Take a look! Lots of things inside :)

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Here's what's happening at school

Stay up to date via the TWAAG, emails, Facebook, and the PAC website  (pass: sp508)
School Website
PAC Website
Check out the new PAC website! It's a place to find everything you need IN ONE PLACE! Have any suggestions for the site, please let us know (email Chair). Password for protected areas: sp508.
ONE MORE DAY! Have you been to the book sale yet? It's amazing!  Russell Books has given us some amazing books that you must see! It's open for only one more day from 8:30-10:00 and 2:30-4:00 daily. Proceeds from the sale will go to the library and will benefit our kids education! Learn more!

If you are able to help with take down, that would also be greatly appreciated! You can sign up online!
The Craft Market is COMING!!!! Mark your calendars and come spend some money! Please consider sharing the info with others. You can find the Facebook event link to share below. 

Volunteers are needed to make this event a success. Even a small amount of time can help. Primarily we just need help setting up/taking down the tables throughout the gym and halls. If you can help, we'd be so grateful!
It's time to start bringing those Emporium donations in! This magical event is so much work and your help in ensuring your donations are ready to go out, makes things so much easier! Donations are being accepted in the main hall. 

What's Emporium? Learn more

We could use some amazing volunteers to help with the sorting. Even 10 minutes at a time would be an incredible help. Please sign up online or contact Shaina directly here
Did you miss the original email? Have you brought in your child's comfort pack? Few initially were, so you aren't alone. Please try to get them in ASAP, just in case they are needed! You don't want your kids to be without! 

Need a "sandwich sized" bag? We have pinned some to the PAC board in the main hall. 
Would you be interested in being the Chair for our PAC Safety committee?  

This committee works on various projects related to safety, transportation, and emergency preparedness in and around the school. 

Want to learn more or ask questions? Check out the website!
Join Wendy on Wednesdays in November from 3:15-4:15 to help restore the meadow! Parents needed to help prevent the area from being overgrown by grass. 

Where's the meadow? In the field on the other side of the basketball courts!

Come check it out next Wednesday, the 14th for a chat, tea, and treats where you will hear about the meadow's history and what needs to happen. There will be work parties happening Wednesdays and some Friday mornings! Come find out more!
Join art club Tuesday's after school! Interested in leading a class, contact Jeremy!

Tuesday November 13th will be collage!
Nov 9th - Remembrance Day Assembly.
Nov 12th - Remembrance Day Observed, No School, No OSC.
Nov 16th - Photo retakes for whole school.
Nov 21st - Student led conferences, NOON dismissal, OSC open. 
Nov 23rd - Pro - D. No school, OSC Open. 
Nov 26th - Sharing/birthday assembly.
The PAC has developed an online expense reimbursement form that you can now find on the PAC website. If you are an event or committee lead (or have been authorized by one) and have made purchases, you can now submit your expenses online quickly! Check it out here!
Haven't subscribed to the Google Calendar yet? Do it so you can stay up to date on the school events! We even have Pizza Day reminders set!
Are you on Facebook? Have you joined the SOUTH PARK FAMILIES group? Do you know we also have private groups for each division? Look for your link in the announcements section at the top of the Facebook page! Go Now!

Not on Facebook? Don't worry - all info will also come via email. 
Want to pitch in for an event/committee at the school? Check out our website for volunteer opportunities!
PAC Website
School Website
Copyright © *|CURRENT_YEAR|* *|LIST:COMPANY|*, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

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Take a look - lots of important stuff inside!

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Here's what's happening at school

Stay up to date via the TWAAG, emails, Facebook, and the PAC website  (pass: sp508)
School Website
PAC Website
Check out the new PAC website! It's a place to find everything you need IN ONE PLACE! Have any suggestions for the site, please let us know (email Chair). Password for protected areas: sp508.
NEXT WEEK! It's that time of year again where we get to shop for our favourite books AND raise money for the school! Come join us the week of November 5-9th from 8:30-10:00 and 2:30-4:00 daily. There will be a late night adult shopping on the 7th from 5:00-7:00 pm. Learn more!

Help is always needed for set up and take down. Set up starts 10:00 am Friday November 2nd.

Make sure to let us know what books you want to see by filling out this doc!
Tomorrow for K-2! Join Bobby and Mark in the library for an afternoon of fun from 3:00-4:00pm. Learn more!
Now that Halloween is over, it's time to start thinking about our holiday events! If you'd like to order some beautiful holiday plants, please check out the order forms and have your payment submitted (to the office) by November 8th at the latest! Cheques payable to South Park PAC. Any questions, please contact Megan here

Want to learn a bit more and get the order form? Check out the website here!
The Holiday Craft Fair is looking for vendors! Do you know someone, or would your kid(s) like a table? Let them know as the tables are going fast!
Please join us for our monthly PAC meeting next week. We hold all of our meetings on the first Wednesday of the month (as long as school is in session!). The meeting is from 6:30-8:00 pm and will be held in the music room.

During our meetings, we review school announcements, PAC financials, and PAC activities, etc.

Please remember that all parents are members of the PAC and you are welcome to attend any of the meetings we hold throughout the year!

The PAC has developed an online expense reimbursement form that you can now find on the PAC website. If you are an event or committee lead (or have been authorized by one) and have made purchases, you can now submit your expenses online quickly! Check it out here!
It's time to start bringing those Emporium donations in! This magical event is so much work and your help in ensuring your donations are ready to go out, makes things so much easier! Donations are being accepted in the main hall. 

What's Emporium? Learn more
Join art club Tuesday's after school! Interested in leading a class, contact Jeremy!
Did you miss the original email? Have you brought in your child's comfort pack? Only 40 out of a 188 children have theirs in, so you aren't alone. Please try to get them in ASAP, just in case they are needed! You don't want your kids to be without!
Remember to set the clocks back one hour this weekend! Daylight savings time ends at 2:00 am on Sunday November 4th. 
The City of Victoria and the CRD will be holding an event in Beacon Hill Park on Wednesday November 7th from 2:30-4:30 pm. This event will be a celebration of the new multi-use pathway as well as an opportunity to raise awareness for walking and cycling during the winter months. Check it out on your way home from pick up!

The city is also organizing a smaller-sized event around noon for the media and mayor/councillors to have a photo op and are looking to gather some parents/kids to make it out for that. Feel free to wander over to the pathway to be a part of this. 
Nov 6th - Photo retakes for students that were impacted by the laptop issue (you would have received an email).
Nov 9th - Remembrance Day Assembly.
Nov 12th - Remembrance Day Observed, No School, No OSC.
Nov 16th - Photo retakes for whole school.
Nov 21st - Student led conferences, NOON dismissal, OSC open. 
Nov 23rd - Pro - D. No school, OSC Open. 
Nov 26th - Sharing/birthday assembly.
Haven't subscribed to the Google Calendar yet? Do it so you can stay up to date on the school events! We even have Pizza Day reminders set!
Are you on Facebook? Have you joined the SOUTH PARK FAMILIES group? Do you know we also have private groups for each division? Look for your link in the announcements section at the top of the Facebook page! Go Now!

Not on Facebook? Don't worry - all info will also come via email. 
Want to pitch in for an event/committee at the school? Check out our website for volunteer opportunities!
PAC Website
School Website
Copyright © *|CURRENT_YEAR|* *|LIST:COMPANY|*, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

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PAC email - Lots of info - book fair, art club, craft market, board games, emporium and important Halloween safety/allergy tips!

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Here's what's happening at school

Stay up to date via the TWAAG, emails, Facebook, and the PAC website  (pass: sp508)
School Website
PAC Website
Check out the new PAC website! It's a place to find everything you need IN ONE PLACE! Have any suggestions for the site, please let us know (email Chair). Password for protected areas: sp508.
It's that time of year again where we get to shop for our favourite books AND raise money for the school! Come join us the week of November 5-9th from 8:30-10:00 and 2:30-4:00 daily. There will be a late night adult shopping on the 7th from 5:00-7:00 pm. Learn more!

Make sure to let us know what books you want to see by filling out this doc!
It's that time again where the kids get overly excited and may forget all the good things we've taught them. Take a second to review some handy Halloween safety tips from Caring For Kids Pediatricians. 
Do you have a child with allergies, or do you want to ensure kids who come to your home on Wednesday to trick or treat have safe choices? Please check out the "Teal Pumpkin Project"!. It's an amazing project that promotes food alternatives for Halloween. You can find lots of resources on the Food Allergy webpage that includes an interactive map of houses that are participating and lots of printables to post to show families you are an allergy friendly home! Learn more here!
The Holiday Craft Fair is looking for vendors! Do you know someone, or would your kid(s) like a table? Let them know as the tables are going fast!
Please note: Art club will be held in Susan's class on Tuesday (main floor, end of the hall, next to gym). Due to the project being done this week, please note it is suggested that this be available only for Grade 1 and up this week

The project this week will be painted Halloween rocks! It looks like lots of fun. Please take some time to help your child come up with an idea to paint. 

Take a look at some amazing examples!
Next week! For students in K-2. Join Bobby and Mark in the library for an afternoon of fun! 
It's almost time to start bringing those Emporium donations in! This magical event is so much work and your help in ensuring your donations are ready to go out, makes things so much easier! Donations will be accepted in the main hall starting next week. 

What's Emporium? Learn more
Oct 29th - Sharing/Birthday Assembly
Oct 30th - Lockdown Drill, 11:15 am
Oct 31st - Halloween Parade (9:30ish) and Pizza Day
Nov 9th - Remembrance Day Assembly
Nov 12th - Remembrance Day Observed, No School, No OSC
Nov 21st - Student led conferences, NOON dismissal, OSC open. 
Haven't subscribed to the Google Calendar yet? Do it so you can stay up to date on the school events! We even have Pizza Day reminders set!
Are you on Facebook? Have you joined the SOUTH PARK FAMILIES group? Do you know we also have private groups for each division? Look for your link in the announcements section at the top of the Facebook page! Go Now!

Not on Facebook? Don't worry - all info will also come via email. 
Want to pitch in for an event/committee at the school? Check out our website for volunteer opportunities!
PAC Website
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PAC Email October 18, 2018

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Here's what's happening at school

Stay up to date via the TWAAG, emails, Facebook, Newsletters, and the NEW PAC website  (pass: sp508)
School Website
PAC Website
Check out the new PAC website! It's a place to find everything you need IN ONE PLACE! Have any suggestions for the site, please let us know (email Chair). Password for protected areas: sp508.
It's here! But on a Thursday this time due to the Pro-D Day Friday! This time it's the grade 3-5's turn to join Bobby and Mark in the library after school for an hour of fun. 
Thank you to all the fabulous volunteers that made the New To Me Clothing Sale another success! You are all brilliant and we thank you so very much for your contribution to our community. 
The Holiday Craft Fair is looking for vendors! Do you know someone, or would your kid(s) like a table? Let them know as the tables are going fast!
The lost and found is full! The kids have been shedding the clothes and you might be missing things! Please take a look at the video by clicking on the photo above and stop by in the hall outside the gym to take a closer look. 
Thank you to all parents that came out to the presentation. It was truly valuable and provided great information for us to help our kids navigate technology safely. Just a reminder that the White Hatter team has a great resource page for parents where you can find all sorts of helpful items, including the presentation notes for those who came to the presentation. Find it here. If you would like the password for downloads, please contact Jenn at 
Don't forget to vote this Saturday!

Please take a look at the nominees for School Board Trustee. These elections only happen every four years and the successful candidates will have a huge impact on our children's education. 

Take a look here for more info: 
SD61 Website and Victoria Votes
Oct 18th - Shakeout Victoria Earthquake Drill, 10am
Oct 19th - Pro-D Day, OSC open
Oct 29th - Sharing/Birthday Assembly
Oct 30th - Lockdown Drill, 11:15 am
Oct 31st - Halloween Parade and Pizza Day
Nov 9th - Remembrance Day Assembly
Nov 12th - Remembrance Day Observed, No School, No OSC
Haven't subscribed to the Google Calendar yet? Do it so you can stay up to date on the school events! We even have Pizza Day reminders set!
Are you on Facebook? Have you joined the SOUTH PARK FAMILIES group? Do you know we also have private groups for each division? Look for your link in the announcements section at the top of the Facebook page! Go Now!

Not on Facebook? Don't worry - all info will also come via email. 
Want to pitch in for an event/committee at the school? Check out our website for volunteer opportunities!
PAC Website
School Website
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Our mailing address is:

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PAC Email October 11, 2018

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Here's what's happening at school

Stay up to date via the TWAAG, emails, Facebook, Newsletters, and the NEW PAC website  (pass: sp508)
School Website
PAC Website
Check out the new PAC website! It's a place to find everything you need IN ONE PLACE! Have any suggestions for the site, please let us know (email Chair). Password for protected areas: sp508.
New To Me sale is TOMORROW!!!

Firstly, thanks much for all the help and support. Jenn and Jane really felt a difference this year, from help with sorting, to small things that have a huge impact like carrying bags from the main hall to the PAC room.

Here's the schedule for tomorrow if anyone can help out!

7:00 - 8:00 - SET UP
We are setting up outside of the PAC room, so will be moving tables out and setting them up, then unloading all the boxes we sorted onto the tables.

8:00 - 10:00 - SALE
We need help managing the 'stuff' - keeping table relatively organized and offering shoppers bags to fill and of course accepting cash.

2:00 - 4:00 - SALE
Same as above

4:00 - whenever! - CLEAN UP
Bagging items up, putting them in the PAC room and putting the tables away.

MONDAY - hauling all leftover items to our donation spots. This is really important as we impact our larger community this way. If you have a backseat you can just pile in as much as you can and drop off to the Mustard Seed, Our Place, or any other charity that you like and will use the items :)
Oct 15th - Picture Day!
Oct 19th - Pro-D Day, OSC open
TONIGHT! October 11th. 6:30-8:30 @ James Bay School. Come learn about internet safety and digital literacy. This will be a wonderful presentation you won't want to miss it regardless of how old your kids are! We are co-hosting the event with James Bay Community School and the presentation will be at their school from 6:30-8:30pm. However, childcare will be provided for South Park families in the annex as per usual from 6:00-8:45pm. Come show your South Park spirit and learn some really valuable information! Learn More
Were you able to come to the GM? If not, please see the presentation and minutes on the website to stay up to date!

Please take a look at the nominees for School Board Trustee. These elections only happen every four years and the successful candidates will have a huge impact on our children's education. 

Take a look here for more info: 
SD61 Website and Victoria Votes
Haven't subscribed to the Google Calendar yet? Do it so you can stay up to date on the school events! We even have Pizza Day reminders set!
Are you on Facebook? Have you joined the SOUTH PARK FAMILIES group? Do you know we also have private groups for each division? Look for your link in the announcements section at the top of the Facebook page! Go Now!

Not on Facebook? Don't worry - all info will also come via email. 
Want to pitch in for an event/committee at the school? Check out our website for volunteer opportunities!
PAC Website
School Website
Copyright © *|CURRENT_YEAR|* *|LIST:COMPANY|*, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

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PAC Email October 2, 2018

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Here's what's happening at school

Stay up to date via the TWAAG, emails, Facebook, Newsletters, and the NEW PAC website  (pass: sp508)
School Website
PAC Website
Check out the new PAC website! It's a place to find everything you need IN ONE PLACE! Have any suggestions for the site, please let us know (email Chair). Password for protected areas: sp508.
PAC General Meeting tomorrow October 3rd! Come enjoy some pizza as we discuss the annual budget, funding requests, a Bylaw amendment, an executive election, and more! Please take a look at the proposed funding requests prior to the meeting so as to ensure some background before it is brought to the floor for a vote. Password protected area! Pass: sp508. 
PLEASE have your donations for the New To Me Clothing Sale in by THIS FRIDAY, October 5th!Jenn and Jane could still use some help sorting! Thank you to all the wonderful volunteers that have helped so far!
Oct 4th - LUV2GROOVE Dance Performance
Oct 8th - Thanksgiving, NO OSC
Oct 11th - Gr 4/5 White Hatter presentation
Oct 15th - Picture Day!
Oct 19th - Pro-D Day, OSC open
It's here! Starting this Friday October 5th! Bobby and Mark will be hosting a board game afternoon for one hour on the 1st (gr k-2) and 3rd (gr 3-5) Fridays of the month! Please check out the website for more details. 
October 1st – 5th is "Walk and Wheel to School" week! Ride your bike or scooter, walk, or walk from a "Drive to 5" location, or take the bus. Then check in with Stacey/Mark at the table so they can log our participation! Learn More. 
October 11th. 6:30-8:30 @ James Bay School. Come learn about internet safety and digital literacy. This will be a wonderful presentation you won't want to miss it regardless of how old your kids are! We are co-hosting the event with James Bay Community School and the presentation will be at their school from 6:30-8:30pm. However, childcare will be provided for South Park families in the annex as per usual from 6:00-8:45pm.  Learn More
Haven't subscribed to the Google Calendar yet? Do it so you can stay up to date on the school events! We even have Pizza Day reminders set!
Are you on Facebook? Have you joined the SOUTH PARK FAMILIES group? Do you know we also have private groups for each division? Look for your link in the announcements section at the top of the Facebook page! Go Now!

Not on Facebook? Don't worry - all info will also come via email. 
Want to pitch in for an event/committee at the school? Check out our website for volunteer opportunities!
PAC Website
School Website
Copyright © *|CURRENT_YEAR|* *|LIST:COMPANY|*, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

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PAC Email September 27, 2018

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Here's what's happening at school

Stay up to date via the TWAAG, emails, Facebook, Newsletters, and the NEW PAC website  (pass: sp508)
School Website
PAC Website
Check out the new PAC website! It's a place to find everything you need IN ONE PLACE! Have any suggestions for the site, please let us know (email Chair). Password for protected areas: sp508.
It's orange shirt day on Friday September 28th at South Park! Please wear orange if you can to come together with others in the support survivors of residential schools. Learn More.
PAC General Meeting on October 3rd. Don't forget to sign up on the sheet outside your class or by email to your Class Coordinator. Don't know who that is? Check out the website here for emails! We need to know if you are coming so we can order the correct amount of pizza (let's not waste the kids $ or go hungry!).
Donations are needed for the clothing sale. Come help Jenn and Jane sort through the clothes and on sale day! It's a big job and we really appreciate the help. 
October 1st – 5th is "Walk and Wheel to School" week! Ride your bike or scooter, walk, or walk from a "Drive to 5" location, or take the bus. Then check in with Stacey/Mark at the table so they can log our participation! Learn More. 
Come learn about internet safety and digital literacy. This will be a wonderful presentation you won't want to miss it regardless of how old your kids are! We are co-hosting the event with James Bay Community School and the presentation will be at their school from 6:30-8:30pm. However, childcare will be provided for South Park families in the annex as per usual from 6:00-8:45pm.  Learn More
Haven't subscribed to the Google Calendar yet? Do it so you can stay up to date on the school events! We even have Pizza Day reminders set!
Are you on Facebook? Have you joined the SOUTH PARK FAMILIES group? Do you know we also have private groups for each division? Look for your link in the announcements section at the top of the Facebook page! Go Now!

Not on Facebook? Don't worry - all info will also come via email. 
Want to pitch in for an event/committee at the school? Check out our website for volunteer opportunities!
PAC Website
School Website
Copyright © *|CURRENT_YEAR|* *|LIST:COMPANY|*, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

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