The role of the PAC is support community involvement and the enrichment of our children's education.
Our Purpose
Work with the teachers, administrators, and staff as partners in order to provide the best for each child at South Park Family School according to their physical, mental, social, and emotional needs.
Support and enrich the activities for children at the school throughout active parent participation in the school.
Examine and discuss the current developments in the school curriculum, classroom programs, School Board policies, and Ministry of Education Plans.
Provide meaningful consultation and effective input into the decision making regarding community issues within the school.
Provide opportunities for the social interaction of families, staff, and students in school affairs.
Provide financial assistance or support of cultural, recreational and educational programmes of the school, and ensure inclusive participation in school life for all families.
Provide opportunities for the school to participate in the greater community.
“South Park isn’t just a school. It’s a true community. A place where we ALL come together. I am grateful to have met wonderful folks here and to work side by side with amazing individuals to make South Park great!”
What We've Achieved
Numerous upgrades to outdoor playgrounds.
Annual successful Auction Gala as our largest fundraiser.
Funding of outdoor equipment for learning in the park (e.g., sit upons, backpacks), 2018.
Community building events that include larger community (e.g., Spring Fling and Holiday Craft Fair), annually.
Childcare funded for Family Meetings, Student Led Conferences, PAC GMs, and Parent Education nights.
Annual contributions to teacher's fund, whole school beach days, clayroom, grade 5 grade fund, and whole school productions. (This funding lessens the burden on our families paying out of pocket costs.)
Funding for classroom technology (e.g., Chromebooks).
Improved school safety related to parking and alternative transportation to school.
Ongoing funding of special requests by teachers to enhance learning environment for our children.