PAC Email December 6, 2018 - Fun Friday and other PAC info!

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Here's what's happening at school

Stay up to date via the TWAAG, emails, Facebook, and the PAC website  (pass: sp508)
School Website
PAC Website
Check out the new PAC website! It's a place to find everything you need IN ONE PLACE! Have any suggestions for the site, please let us know (email Chair). Password for protected areas: sp508.
Emporium is TOMORROW!

Please remember to send your children with bags to bring home their hand picked gifts!

We could also use some help packing up the leftover donations, cleaning up, and taking any left over donations away/clean up the PAC room. Your help makes these events possible.
Did you order any poinsettias? Come pick them up next week!

Dec 5th - 5:45-6:15pm and 8:00-8:15pm (before and after PAC meeting)
Dec 6th - 8:30-9:15 am and 2:45-3:30pm
Dec 7th - 8:30-9:15 am 
Are you looking for a way to give back to others this Christmas as you also give to your child's teacher (if you feel so inclined!). Please check out this wonderful charity recommended by one of our own teachers! For more info, see website and pdf. 
Reminder that Bobby and Mark host board game afternoons on the 1st and 3rd Friday of every month. The first Friday is for K-2 and the 3rd is for grades 3-5.  Check out the website for more info!

TOMORROW, December 7th will be for ALL GRADES as the 21st will be cancelled. 
Would you be interested in being the Chair for our PAC Safety committee?  

This committee works on various projects related to safety, transportation, and emergency preparedness in and around the school. 

Want to learn more or ask questions? Check out the website!
Dec 12th - Kindergarten info night, 6:30
Dec 17th - Sharing/birthday assembly
Dec 19th - PIZZA DAY!
Dec 20th - Music assembly/performance @ 10:00am. 
Dec 21st - Report cards home. Last day before winter break
Jan 7th - School re-opens
Haven't subscribed to the Google Calendar yet? Do it so you can stay up to date on the school events! We even have Pizza Day reminders set!
Are you on Facebook? Have you joined the SOUTH PARK FAMILIES group? Do you know we also have private groups for each division? Look for your link in the announcements section at the top of the Facebook page! Go Now!

Not on Facebook? Don't worry - all info will also come via email. 
Want to pitch in for an event/committee at the school? Check out our website for volunteer opportunities!
PAC Website
School Website
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