PAC Email - Free Tickets, Important Info, and lots of good stuff!

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Here's what's happening at school

Stay up to date via the TWAAG, emails, Facebook, and the PAC website  (pass: sp508)
School Website
PAC Website
Check out the PAC website! It's a place to find everything you need IN ONE PLACE! Have any suggestions for the site, please let us know (email Chair). Password for protected areas: sp508.
The annual auction gala is our biggest fundraiser. But we need all families in the school to participate. If all families could gather a few donations, we'll be able to have an amazing event!

Here's all that you need to know: letter, forms, and who's been approached already. It's all on the Auction website. 

Donate your gently used books to the school!

For every two books your child donates, they will be able to take one book home.

Please ensure all book donations are marked with your child’s name and division. All donations should be brought into the school no later than Wednesday March 4th.

Donations can be made in the main hall soon. Get those books ready!

The SPFS PAC Executive has upcoming positions for the 2020/2021 school year.  All positions are available each year, and if there are more two or more nominees for one position, a vote will be held at the Annual General Meeting on May 5th. 

Current Positions Available: 
Vice Chair of Coordinators
Vice Chair of Committees
Member at large (2)

Please contact the PAC Chair with any questions. Now is the time to chat up the folks in the role so you get an idea of what is involved!
The Garden Committee needs some help! This year we need some volunteers to help with the garden, and you can contact Chris to do this! You can reach him here

But next year, Chris will not be able to be our Chair and is looking for someone to take over! If you're interested, please contact PAC Chair Jenn here
VCPAC Presents an education night for parents Feb 19th from 7-8:30 at Spectrum Community School. 

About this Event

If you want to raise your children to be successful in life, then you need an enriched brain to do it with. The natural conditions necessary for learning success are unknown to most parents. Discover how to maximize your child's potential based on how the brain learns naturally. If you are looking for ways to enhance learning, foster child development, raise achievement, tap your child's full potential, then find out about the brain's best kept secrets. At this presentation you will gain priceless ideas you would never have dreamed of that are simple and cost nothing. Brain smart your family! Parents, you are the architects of your children's brain.

The Vancouver Island Parent Conference is back! FEBRUARY 29th, 8:30-4:00.

There are amazing speakers coming and it's a wonderful opportunity. The VCPAC has graciously provided funding for at least one of our parents to go. If you are interested in attending, please enter your name and a name will be drawn by Sunday Feb 9th (sorry for the short notice). 

See more details of the event here
Important info: 

Strategic Plan: Feedback on the DRAFT strategic plan is due now. Please have a look and provide feedback ASAP via email. You can send the email to Carmen and cc the Superintendent ( Here is the link for the draft. 

Annual Budget: The District is seeking input on its 2020/2021 Budget. Please take a moment to look at the website and provide as much feedback as possible. Link here.
Feb 10 to 18th - K-12 Student transfer process
Feb 14 - Pro-d day. OSC open 
Feb 26 -  PIZZA DAY!
Feb 27 - Student led conferences. Noon dismissal 
Feb 28th - Sharing/B-day assembly
Student Led Conferences are this month!!! Feb 27th. 

Interested in learning more about the history behind this and the importance to our school philosophy? Take a look at the pdf that will tell you all you need to know to support your child's learning!!!
Some students in our school have life threatening allergies to nuts and fish. 

Please DO NOT send these items to school. We all must do our best to provide safe and allergy free shared spaces (e.g., library, playground, washrooms, gym, water fountains, railings, etc). 

Please ensure your children are in the habit of washing their hands before and after eating to keep all of our kids safe. 
Thank you so much to our amazing volunteers who have dedicated their time to making South Park Family School what it is. 

Our Valentine's Day Dance was a smashing success! Thanks so much to Elise Murphy for chairing and all the other volunteers that came together to make it so wonderful for our community. 

AND of course a big thank you to all of our parents who have helped out with the events and who are there day after day in the classrooms. You are all amazing and we are lucky to have you all!
Haven't subscribed to the Google Calendar yet? Do it so you can stay up to date on the school events! We even have Pizza Day reminders set!
Are you on Facebook? Have you joined the SOUTH PARK FAMILIES group? Do you know we also have private groups for each division? Look for your link in the announcements section at the top of the Facebook page! Go Now!

Not on Facebook? Don't worry - all info will also come via email. 
Want to pitch in for an event/committee at the school? Check out our website for volunteer opportunities!
Have something you want included in the PAC emails? Contact PAC Chair Jenn! here.
PAC Website
School Website
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