PAC Email September 16, 2019

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Here's what's happening at school

Stay up to date via the TWAAG, emails, Facebook, and the PAC website  (pass: sp508)
School Website
PAC Website
Check out the PAC website! It's a place to find everything you need IN ONE PLACE! Have any suggestions for the site, please let us know (email Chair). Password for protected areas: sp508.
Please note that the PAC email list will be updated after the family meetings that end on September 26th. If your child no longer attends SPFS, please unsubscribe to this newsletter and you will not receive the emails until the end of September.
Reminder: PAC General Meeting Wednesday October 2, 2019 @ 6:30pm in the gym. Please join us at 6:00 for pizza! Please sign up at your class or let your CC know if you can attend so we can order the right amount of pizza. Funding Request information here.

It's that time again for all of you amazing folks to step forward! 

Each Division is looking for at least one Class Coordinator. CCs act as a liaison between PAC and parents and support parental involvement in the school and class. 

It's a great way to be involved and get to know all of the families in your class a little better :)

Please let Jenn T know if you are interested in the role the Friday before your family meeting. CCs will be chosen at family meetings.

Family Meetings :

Thursday Sept 19 - Div 2 6:00-7:30
Wednesday Sept 25 - Div 6 - 6:00-7:30
Thursday Sept 26 - Div 7 - 6:00-7:30

Div 1 & 8 TBD

OSC Available during meetings. 

The Climate Committee is gearing up for some action... take a look!

Sept 17-26th - Family Meetings
Sept 23rd - Pro-D Day
Sept 25th - Pizza Day!
Haven't subscribed to the Google Calendar yet? Do it so you can stay up to date on the school events! We even have Pizza Day reminders set!
Are you on Facebook? Have you joined the SOUTH PARK FAMILIES group? Do you know we also have private groups for each division? Look for your link in the announcements section at the top of the Facebook page! Go Now!

Not on Facebook? Don't worry - all info will also come via email. 
Want to pitch in for an event/committee at the school? Check out our website for volunteer opportunities!
PAC Website
School Website
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