PAC Email April 3, 2019

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Here's what's happening at school

Stay up to date via the TWAAG, emails, Facebook, and the PAC website  (pass: sp508)
School Website
PAC Website
Check out the new PAC website! It's a place to find everything you need IN ONE PLACE! Have any suggestions for the site, please let us know (email Chair). Password for protected areas: sp508.
Reminder: PAC meeting this Wednesday at 6:30 in the music room. 
Family Meetings start next week!

April 8th:
Div 7: 6:30-8:00, Div 5: 6:00-7:30

April 9th:
Div 2: 6:00-7:30

April 10th:
Div 1 and Div 10: 6:00-7:30

April 16th:  
Div 6 and Div 8:  6:00-7:30

April 17th:
Div 3 and 4: 6:00-7:30

Div 9 TBD. 

OSC Available during meetings. 

It’s the spring fundraiser again! Please get your orders in for the beautiful options this year by April 15th.

Flyer here. Order form here.

Pick up scheduled for May 8th and 9th.

Please take a look at the order form and submit to Megan Anderson ASAP! Any questions, please contact her directly at

Reminder that Bobby and Mark host board game afternoons on the 1st and 3rd Friday of every month. The first Friday is for K-2 and the 3rd is for grades 3-5.  Check out the website for more info!

Note: Grades 3-5 will be Thursday April 18th due to the Easter Holidays. 

Stay tuned for more information once the Boundary Review Team presents its feedback to the Board of Education in April. The PAC will keep you up to date when the info starts coming in again. 

In the meantime, if you didn't see the formal report we sent the Boundary Review Committee, you can find it here
New to me sale is coming up! Clear out those closets!

We also need help in getting the PAC room cleared out with books from the used book exchange moved out ASAP. 
Auction is coming! Please start collecting donations. 

Auction will be Friday May 31st this year, so mark your calendars! More info to come as we get closer. Learn More. 
Want to join the Family School PAC? 

Nominations are currently being accepted. All positions are open and elections will be held if there is more than one nomination per position. Current PAC executive positions with vacancies include: Member-at-large and a Co-Treasurer. Find the job descriptions here

Interested in participating? It's a great way to be involved if you can't give as much time as you'd like during the school day. You can nominate yourself!

All interested nominations to be sent to:
Would you be interested in being the Chair for our PAC Safety committee?  

This committee works on various projects related to safety, transportation, and emergency preparedness in and around the school. 

Want to learn more or ask questions? Check out the website!
April 8-16- Family meetings
April 12th - Pro-D Day (OSC open)
April 19 & 22nd - School Closed (Easter STATs)
April 24th - PIZZA DAY!
Haven't subscribed to the Google Calendar yet? Do it so you can stay up to date on the school events! We even have Pizza Day reminders set!
Are you on Facebook? Have you joined the SOUTH PARK FAMILIES group? Do you know we also have private groups for each division? Look for your link in the announcements section at the top of the Facebook page! Go Now!

Not on Facebook? Don't worry - all info will also come via email. 
Want to pitch in for an event/committee at the school? Check out our website for volunteer opportunities!
PAC Website
School Website
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