South Park PAC

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Indigenous Peoples Day is this upcoming Monday, June 21!

It’s a time to celebrate, honour and learn about the First Nations, Métis and Inuit Peoples.  For generations, Indigenous peoples have celebrated their culture and heritage on or near this day due to the significance of summer solstice as the longest day of the year. Twenty-five years ago June 21 was chosen in cooperation with Indigenous groups for National Aboriginal Day, now known as National Indigenous Peoples Day. The celebration this year is dedicated to the missing children, families left behind and the survivors of residential schools.

We’ve compiled some upcoming cultural events, and suggestions for Indigenous music, films, local learnings, podcasts, books, businesses to support, and places to visit.


  • Indigenous Day Live-Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN): Indigenous Day Live is the largest event in recognition of Indigenous Peoples’ Day. It is a cultural and musical performance show (broadcast live on on Sunday June 20 at 8 PM Eastern Time and then will continue to be available for free until June 22.

  • Banff Center-National Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration: An online celebration of Stoney Nakoda, Blackfoot, Dene, Ktunaxa and Métis of Treaty 7 starting a  9 am June 21 and including workshops, yoga, film screenings, Indigenous market and more!

LOCAL LEARNINGS about Lekwungen Peoples and Territory (where South Park Family School is):

  • Cheryl Bryce: a Traditional Knowledge Holder of the Kwetlal (camas) food system and member of the Songhees Nation, shares some of the ongoing work she is doing in her traditional role at Meegan, also known as Beacon Hill Park. Before Covid, she would run nature walks and Colonial Reality Tours.






  • Speak Up!: an annual rotating selection of First Nations, Métis and Inuit artists who have left their mark on culture through music


  • Indiginews: an online independent Indigenous news platform (an excellent follow on Facebook) with reporters currently covering the Okanagan Valley and Vancouver Island.

  • Darrel J. McLeod: A local longtime Vancouver Island resident and author of two memoirs “Mamaskatch” (award winning) and of “Peyakow”.  He is Cree from Treaty 8 Territory. He has also worked as a teacher, a chief negotiator of land claims for the federal government, and an executive director of education and internal affairs with the Assembly of First Nations

EXPLORE (places,languages,arts,culture):

  • First Peoples’ Map of what is now known as B.C.: An interactive, constantly updated map (just launched June 16, 2021!!) designed by the First Peoples’ Cultural Council (FPCC) and intended for both Indigenous and non Indigenous peoples to learn about First Nations’ culture. It divides the province up into Indigenous territories and includes content that weaves together Indigenous languages, arts and culture in one space.

*** Note: First Peoples’ Map is focussed on contemporary First Nations rather than historical First Nations territories and communities. Explore the similarities and differences on the following two map sites where you can learn about which territory your home is situated on, find information for land acknowledgements and learn about treaties and agreements signed:


  • Victoria Orange Shirt Day: owned and operated by Eddy Charlie, a residential school survivor, and his friend Kristin Spray. They sell items year round online and at the Moss Street Market.

CHILDREN’s RESOURCES (read,watch,listen):

9 things for your kids to watch, read or listen to this Indigenous History Month:



  • Monique Gray Smith: Watch the acclaimed Indigenous author read from her children’s books as well as a video where she shares how to talk to your children about residential schools


  • Warrior Kids Podcast: A podcast for kids from all backgrounds which celebrates all things Indigenous and focuses on putting into action what is learned to protect all things on Turtle Island